2016. március 27., vasárnap

The Last Day before travelling home...

On Friday (25th March)  morning each of we summarized the 2-week-project and the project coordinator received our Europass Mobilities detailing project features and  another Institutional Certificate signed by NWA. All of us told about personal impressions, opinions and experiences of this Erasmus+ Mobility. We also filled in the final monitoring survey. We decided that we would disseminate the good practice of the project in the following next months and its outcome, benefits within our institution and in the region as well.

On Thursday (24th March) was our project finalizing day at North West Academy. We took part in a presentation about Erasmus programmes. 

/Draft from the presentation and discussion/
Erasmus +

- Key actions 1,2,3; Jean Monnet Activities; Sport
- Key actions 1,2,3:
 Learning mobility of individuals
Policy Reform
- NW Academy Projects 2005- present
(listed during the presentation)
- Flip the classroom tecnique (information, videos are sent to the students beforehand for
discussion in the classroom; families are involved online in the teaching process)
- 2014- MobGae programme
- 2013- Coach 4 Me programme
Personal/ business/ conflict/life coaching (and several others)
- 2012- Simple programme
- 2011- Design Your Future programme
- 2011- BeCult programme

Bea and Gábor completed a topic-based digital art work in Derry. They launched an exhibition inspired by our project. Snapshots, photos were arranged and placards have been placed at the Academy. 

The 8 members of our group.

Beáta Dunai - visual art teacher BGYRL, Francesca Giacomini director of Marketing and Operations at NWA,
 Gábor Gyuris - art and design teacher at BGYRL

2 SAT Project Exhibition at NWA 

Beáta's work

Gábor's work

Transparency is everywhere 

Derry Mosaic by Beata Dunai

Experiments by Gábor Gyuris

We visited a new art exhibition at the Centre for Contemporary Arts in the evening.