2016. március 17., csütörtök

16th March, Wednesday

Today we all worked on individual tasks. Each of us collected footprints of arts and artistic pieces of work. We had time to collect impressions and ideas, while comparing traditional and smart arts.
Everyone chose a different way how to do it.

Two of us went for a ride by bikes along the River Foyle, some went to the Central Library to work on group project about the tradition of St. Patrick’s Day, and some couldn’t miss the everyday shopping.

We also prepared for Timi’s birthday next day, with writing a short poem.

’Running around, walls & bridges,
Sightseeing tours, lectures & lots of kisses.
You don’t know how lucky U R,
To be here in Northern Ire-(land).
Fish & chips, red wine, whiskey & beer,
We wish U to be happy @ home & here!

Have a nice day.

The Bogside

Bike Tour - The Foyleside

White head, Black head -  Irish sheeps

Students are going home

Education system in Northern Ireland, 15th March, Tuesday

We had a great lecture about the education system at the North West Language Academy. The introduction summarized what you have to know about education in the UK and Northern Ireland.

About the Irish Language

 Pre -School and Nursery and Primary Education

  • compulsory between 4 and 11 in NI
  • 7 year-groups by ages not by abilities
  • integrated (Catholic or Protestant)
  • one teacher per group each year is responsible for children's education and welfare
  • subjects: Maths, Science, English, Art, Music, P.E., current affairs and manners
  • second language is not obligatory

Lower secondary education

  • 11 or 12 subjects to start with
  • after 3 years 9 or 10 subjects are chosen fr their GCSE

Upper Secondary Education

  • - 'sixth form' or further education institutes
  • - Vocational (Technical) Colleges
  • - the latter ones are paid courses (£ 3-4,000)


  • A-Level results in relevant subjects
  • Craduating with university degrees last from 3 to 7 years
  • Master degree is required for Psychologists, Lawyers, Doctors
A smart quote found at the NW  College
Education througout the UK
  • National (frame) Curriculum from 1988- no significant changes since then

'If it's not broken, don't fix it.'

Afternoon Class - SURVEY

We were asked to make a survey in groups of two. Each pair chose a topic about everyday life topics to elaborate later by asking passers-by. Finally we summarised our experience in short presentations.

We asked also the traffic warden lady